Complete Your Profile
My Profile

{{ isAccountDeleted ? 'Restore your Account' : 'Delete your Account' }}
{{ isAccountDeleted ? 'Please read the below carefully' : 'Please read the below carefully.' }}
{{ isAccountDeleted ? 'Your request to delete your account will now be cancelled and we will start with restoring your account' : `You're trying to delete your Account. You can cancel this request within 30 days from your profile. After 30 days, all your account data will be deleted.` }}
{{ isAccountDeleted ? 'Restore your Account' : 'To continue with your account deletion request, please click on the link sent to your email' }}
{{ isAccountDeleted ? 'We have initiated the process to restore your account. You will now not be able to delete your account for another 30 days.' : '' }}
Since you have recently recovered your account, you can now only delete after {{ deleteAfterDays }} {{ deleteAfterDays === 1 ? 'day' : 'days' }}